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Giving in Numbers: 2018

Publication date: 
October 2018
In the largest, most robust, industry-leading, and internationally-recognized research of corporate social investment, CECP: The CEO Force for Good, in association with The Conference Board, has found that leading corporations are intensifying efforts to meet key societal needs around the world. The report is based on data from 252 companies and not only presents a profile of corporate philanthropy and employee engagement, but also includes a Trends Summary that highlights the prominent features of corporate societal investment.
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Demographic Data Collection

Insight, Impact, and Equity – Collecting Demographic Data Report
Publication date: 
August 2018
There is great interest among grantmakers in demographic data, but no consensus or shared purpose yet on what data should be collected and how it should be used. This preliminary research on demographic data collection serves to create a baseline understanding of where the field is in demographic data collection that covers both the process of data collection and current use of demographic data.
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